Archive of ‘History’ category

History – Graphic Organiser

Whilst planning a unit of work on Australian History I have designed a graphic organiser which I hope will be useful to guide students’ thinking. The graphic organiser is designed to get students to synthesise information and develop the historical skills of:
– using timelines
– identifying significant events and people that have helped shape history
– understand changes and continuity, including those that have effected the environment
– empathy
– understanding of cause and effect
– ability to use and analyse a range of sources, both primary and secondary
– and understand history can be viewed from different perspectives.

Although this has been designed with year 5/6 students in mind, with the key questions relating to these specific units of work, I hope that others will be able to adapt it to suit their period of history.

I look forward to sharing examples of students’ work using the graphic organiser.
History Graphic Organiserv3

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